Purveyors of Re-enactment and Costuming Accessories

- always grateful for input -

Please note: The fact that I mention a company/artisan here does not necessarily mean that I recommend them: If I've ever made contact/businness with the supplier and feel I can recommend their service/product, it is mentioned in the comments. If I've made contact and found the product/service unsatisfactory, they don't appear in the list at all. Multiple mention has nothing to do with quality, but is due to the range of products offered. The sequence is purely coincidental.

Another warning: Many on this list have not much experience with international orders, although all do mail order. Make sure you instruct them to put the invoice on the outside of the package so that customs can access it. Inquire about the possibility of VAT refund and consider that you may have to pay your country's VAT plus import tax on top of the prices quoted when comparing prices. Differences of shipping cost go without mention. I'm concentrating on European suppliers since that's the continent I live in. Find more American suppliers at the Costumer's Manifesto

Quick Jump Navigation:
Corset Making Supplies - General Re-enactment - General Notions& Craft - Lace & Lacemaking - Fabrics - Miscellaneous - Patterns - Custom-made Costumes

in Germany = in Germany, in UK = in UK, in Europe = in EU outside Germany or UK, in USA = in USA

Corset Making Supplies
in GermanyWilh. Wissner GmbH & Co
Hohenstaufenstr. 8-14
73033 Göppingen, DE
tel ++49 (7161) 6718-0
fax ++49 (71 61) 6718-40

Many varieties of plastic & steel boning, straight busks.
They make the stuff, so they sell in wholesale quantities (try group ordering), but at low prices. The plastic boning is very close to real whalebone. Ask for samples.
in UKMcCulloch & Wallis
25-25 Dering St
London W1R 0BH, UK
tel ++44 (207) 629 0311
fax ++44 (207) 492 2481
boning, straight busks, lace, metallic thread, general notions
309 Lorne Avenue East
RR #3, Stratford, Ontario N5A 6S4, Canada
++1 (519) 275 2374, fax ++1 (888) 508 7337
boning, busks, spoon busk, buttons etc
in UKDevine & Co. Ltd
57a Brightwell Avenue
Westcliff on Sea Essex SS0 9EB, UK
Tel ++44 (1702) 352500
Fax ++44 (1702) 354064
busks (possibly spoon busks, according to rumour), boning and other corset making supplies
General Re-enactment Accessories (i.e. a large range of goods at each shop)
in USASmoke & Fire Co.
10902 Maumee St.
Whitehouse, OH 43571, USA
++1 (419) 877 1109
"Colonial", Scottish, Medieval repro; shoes
in USABurnley & Trowbridge
108 Druid Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA
++1 (757) 253 1644, fax ++1 (757) 253 9120
pinking tool, fabric, stockings
in USARoy Najecki
1203 Reynolds Rd
Chepachet, RI 02814, USA
various metal goods, e.g. cravat stock buckles, buttons, belt plates
in USAJas. Townsend and Son, Inc.
PO Box 415-W
Pierceton, IN 46562, USA
++1 (219) 594-5852, fax: ++1 (219) 594-5580
Wide range of mostly 18th/19th century goods, e.g. ladies' straw hats (bergères). Prompt service.
in USAG Gedney Godwin
P.O. Box 100
Valley Forge, PA 19481, USA
++1 (610) 783-0670, fax: ++1 (610) 783-6083
18th century militaria, few civilian; also shoes, buckles, pipes...Wide rage of 18th century shoe buckles.
in GermanyHudson's Bay Company
Wieshof 2
93199 Zell
tel 09468/352
fax 09468/460
Mainly Western good, but also 18th/19th century reenactment accessories.
in Germany reenactors.de
Various goods from prehistory via medieval to 19th century. The owner is active in many periods himself, has a vast background knowledge and a good consultant.
in USAWm. Booth, Draper
2115 Ramada Drive
Racine, WI 53406
++1 (262) 886-9133
linsey-woolsey, bone items and other 18th century goods
General Sewing Notions, Embroidery & Craft Supplies
in BritainPipers Silks
Chinnerys, Egremont Street
Suffolk, CO10 7SA, UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (1787) 280920
Filament silk and linen yarn at reasonable prices
1 Anderson St.
Bendigo 3550, Victoria, Australia
tel ++61 (3) 54417787
fax ++61 (3) 5417959
embroidery, dyestuffs, metallic thread, general craft
in Germany"Das Künstlerhaus" Ulrich Hallmeyer
Klöppelweg 11
91183 Abenberg, DE
tel+fax ++49 (9178) 5234
Lacemaking supplies, metallic threads, pearls
in BritainDorothy Pearce Culzean
5 Fulshaw Avenue
Cheshire SK9 5JA, UK
lacemaking accessories
in USAHedgehog Handworks
8406 Flight Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA
Tel ++1 (310) 670-6040
Toll-free (888) 670-6040
Metallic and embroidery threads, spangles, general notions. Very friendly and helpful.
in GermanyTentakulum
Alte Gasse 38
60313 Frankfurt, DE
tel ++49 (69) 38 18 33
fax ++49 (69) 38 18 77
Embroidery school with notions shop, carries wide range of embroidery threads incl. metallic, purl, ribbons, also embroidery notions. Friendly and helpful.
in GermanyAGIL
dyestuffs and medieval repros
in USAGreen Man Forge (Dan Brown)
606 W. Baca St
Trinidad, CO 81082, USA
tel+fax ++1 (719) 845-1905
Repro pinking tools & other metal goods, also made to order, friendly service. I'd buy again.
in BritainMcCulloch & Wallis
25-25 Dering St
London W1R 0BH, UK
tel ++44 (207) 629 0311
fax ++44 (207) 492 2481
boning, straight busks, lace, metallic thread, general notions
in GermanyHartmann & Deffner GbR
Untere Hauptstr. 14
86441 Zusmarshausen-Wörleschwang, DE
tel+fax ++49 (8291) 790829
Lacemaking supplies, metallic threads, spangles
Lace & Lacemaking Supplies (look here for linen thread)
in GermanyHartmann & Deffner GbR
Untere Hauptstr. 14
86441 Zusmarshausen-Wörleschwang
tel+fax ++49 (8291) 790829
Lacemaking supplies, metallic threads, spangles
in BritainMcCulloch & Wallis
25-25 Dering St
London W1R 0BH, UK
tel ++44 (207) 629 0311
fax ++44 (207) 492 2481
boning, straight busks, lace, metallic thread, general notions
in Germany"Das Künstlerhaus" Ulrich Hallmeyer
Klöppelweg 11
91183 Abenberg, Germany
tel+fax ++49 (9178) 5234
Lacemaking supplies, metallic threads, pearls
in EuropeList of Lacemaking Suppliers in Europe
in USAMartha Pullen
149 Old Big Cove Rd.
Brownsboro, AL 35741, USA
Fabrics, silk ribbons and a relatively wide selection of laces that is suitable for 18th/19th century costuming.
in EuropeTheo Brejaart (NL)
in USABridal Laces and Fabrics & Co
in BritainPetty Chapman - Lindy Pickard and Dave Rushworth
18 Armitage Road
West Yorkshire HD2 2UB UK
++44 (1484) 512968
linen (fine shirting linien @GBP 5 per yard IIRC)
Good quality, reasonable price, mail order. Also patterns, I think.
in BritainMcCulloch & Wallis
25-25 Dering St
London W1R 0BH, UK
tel ++44 (207) 629 0311
fax ++44 (207) 492 2481
boning, straight busks, lace, metallic thread, general notions
in GermanyOstasiatischer Seidenimport
Liselotte Ruloff

Sperberhorst 9
22459 Hamburg, Germany
tel ++49 (40) 55 13175
fax ++49 (40) 55 19229
Silk fabrics. Ask for samples.
in GermanyRudolf Egelkraut Mechanische Weberei
Hauptstr. 29-31
34613 Schwalmstadt, Germany
tel Tel:++49 (6691) 3417
fax: ++49 (6691) 4418
Brocades, fabrics with gold and silver. Ask for samples. You can even have fabrics made to your specifications.
in EuropeDen Haan & Wagenmakers
Dutch quilt fabrics, some of them recreations of 18th century madder prints, others 19th century in style. Not very helpful if you need a closer look at a pattern, or worse, a sample, but I haven't been able to find another supplier of recreation madder prints.
Bevilacqua Fabrics
Italian brocades and damasks, very pricey.
Miscellaneous Re-enacment Goods (specialised suppliers)
in BritainSarah Juniper
109 Woodmancote
Dursley, Glouctershire, GL11 4AH, UK
tel ++44 (1453) 545 675
fax ++44 (1453) 54 6060
Custom-made shoes from about 150 Euro, all hand-sewn with authentic techniques and materials. Specialties are Roman and 18th century shoes, but all eras are served. I've bought 4 pairs so far - need I say more?
in EuropeMalcolm Cox
"Gwynfa Bach"
Thormanby Road
Howth, Co Dublin, Ireland
tel ++353 (1) 8323913
Maker of custom-made fan sticks. Mainly caters to lacemakers, but can also arrange fan leaf painting & mounting service. Very diligent, great quality, friendly service.
in GermanyMichael Maucher
Talstr. 88
77784 Oberhamersbach
tel+fax ++49 (7837) 1542
custom-made shoes, mainly medieval but also other eras
in GermanyBodo Danneck
Am Schlaufenglan 67
66606 St. Wendel
tel+fax ++49 (6851) 867929
Custom-made shoes, mainly medieval but also other eras @ about 150-200 Euro
in GermanyAltenburger Hüte GmbH
Schmöllnsche Str. 3
04600 Altenburg
tel ++49 (3447) 316198
fax ++49 (3447) 315259
Historical hats made to order. Catalogue available.
in USAWig Outlet
327 E Dakota Avenue
Pierre, SD, 57501, USA
tel 602-868-5877
fax 605-224-5068
As the name implies... historical wigs are hard to find in the badly organised catalogue; look for "Bach" and "Madame Pompadour". Some of them look rather awful...
in EuropeAtelier Duval
39.41 rue Parmentier
21000 Dijon, France
tel & fax ++33 (03) 80 74 19 74
Shoes and boots
in EuropePeter Prince
83 Main Street
Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 1HH
tel ++44 (790) 3047496
Shoes and boots
Olde World Fine Clays
249 Sooth St
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia B1A 1W6, Canada
++1 (902) 849-1383
18th/19th century hand-rolled reproduction clay pipes
Be sure to check out the tips for pipe care
in GermanyHarr
Schubertstr. 30
88214 Ravensburg
tel 0751/26157
fax 0751/26163
Make a wide range of historical shoes for theatre purposes at about 150 Euro and above. The techniques, however, are modern.
in USARocking Horse Farm
P.O. Box 608
North Jackson, OH 44451, USA
in USALaughing Moon
Laughing Moon Mercantile
2131 51st Street Sacramento, CA 95817-1506, USA
Their Victorian corset pattern (for two different corsets, actually) has a very good reputation. I've bought it, but haven't tried it yet.
in USAKannik's Korner
P.O. Box 1654
Springfield, OH 45501-1654, USA
Mostly late 18th century and authentic, I'm told.
in USAAlterYears
8960, E. Huntington Drive
San Gabriel, CA 91775, USA
Phone ++1 (626) 614 9400
mainly renaissance, also accessories and other re-enactment stuff
in USALa Mode Bagatelle
PMB 121
3213 W. Wheeler Street Seattle WA 98199, USA
++1 (206) 285-5329
Regency, late Victorian, Edwardian, also books
in USAAmazon Drygoods
411 Brady Street
Davenport, IA 52801-1518, USA
++1 (800) 798-7979
Medieval to 20th century
Fleur de Lyse
Patterns for Franco-Canadian and medieval costumes. Well researched.
in USADancing Leaf Designs, Inc
302 West Calhoun Street
Sumter, SC 29150, USA
++1 (803) 778-0934
Fig Leaf Patterns
Patterns ranging from 1770s to 1860s, all taken from original garments
in USAJ. P. Ryan
Quite authentic 18th century patterns that are endorsed by many 18th century re-enactors. Among the best for the period, actually. I've personally tried the Pet-en-l'air /française and the strapless stays patterns and found both very good. The instructions show that there's real research and 18th century know-how behind them. Since I don't really need the instructions, I can't tell how usable they would be for a beginner, but my impression was a good one.
The Mantua Maker
The empire corset is quite good, as are the instructions. Can't say anything about the other patterns.
Custom-made Costumes
in GermanyMauritia Kirchner
Gottlieb-Bögner-Str. 44
63849 Roßbach, Germany
Tel.+ Fax (+49) 06092 / 99 51 08
email kostueme@mauritia.de
From medieval to Edwardian. Authenticiy-aware and friendly. Specialises in upperclass costume and delivers the quality to go with it. Prices are high, but worth every penny. Highly recommended.
in GermanyMichael Maucher
Talstr. 88
77784 Oberhamersbach
tel & fax ++49 (7837) 1542
Costumes and custom-made shoes, mainly medieval but also other eras
in GermanyArts et Métiers
The owner is an active re-enactor in the Rococo, Regency and WWI periods and an avid researcher. Knows a lot about maternity and children's clothing from personal experience. Higly recommended.
in GermanyNehelenia's Designs
Relatively affordable costume parts such as corsets and hoop skirts, also full costume. Knows what's authentic and what's not. Also Gothic.
in EuropeBjarne Drews
Åboulevard 5,3.th
1635 København V
Tel. 35 37 13 70
email drewscph@post12.tele.dk
Experienced and highly skilled costumer, embroiderer and lace-maker. I've never seen better costumes.
in GermanyTina & Thomas Melczuk
main field of expertise is medieval, but also Empire and other eras
in USAGhostforge
18th century costumes for "rubenesque" people


More suppliers, mostly in USA, are listed at the Costumer's Manifesto.