s1877_2.gif Redingote for deshabille, April 1877 ------------------------------- "...a very stylish costume for deshabille, a Redingote, and the very newest pattern... The dotted lines on no. 2 show where the plaits are laid - on no. 1, where the trimming is placed across the front. (Plaited ruffles like the skirt.) ...It is made of pale blue cashmere, thrimmed with cashmere lace, and plaitings of the same, if a very dressy robe-de-chambre be desired; or it may be made of flannel, and will be charming for the warm weather, if made of Nainsook and Hamburg embroidery. In our diagram, we give only the long, loose Redingote, and it may be worn over a skirt of the same material, or over a black silk. If of Nainsook, of course the skirt of the same will be the petticoat. no. 1 half of front no. 2 half back no. 3 half of side of back no. 4 upper half of sleeve no. 5 under half of sleeve ------ brought to you by La Couturière Parisienne (webmistress @marquise.de) http://www.marquise.de Copyright 1999, 2000 by A. Bender reproduction of any kind (including dress creation) forbidden, except for private, non-profit and educational purposes.